Tips for choosing a suitable living place for remote working
Tips for choosing a suitable living place for Work From Home (WFH) so that you can work comfortably.

As a result of the social distancing implementation due to the corona outbreak, most companies around the world have been intensively executing work from home (WFH) activities.
A remote work system like this has gradually turned into a trend that is loved by millennial workers. Working from home is indeed more flexible and many feel more productive when given the flexibility to organize work.
But, this kind of lifestyle is not entirely promising. If it is not accompanied by good management and a supportive working environment, daily performance may take a downfall.
This applies to everything, including when choosing to live in a traditional kost which is shared by many people. We need to choose an ideal and comfortable place to support WFH activities.
Therefore, this time Cove will share some tips to make WFH activities better. Check out below!
A stable and fast internet connection

First and foremost, check the quality of the internet connection. Work from home relies entirely on internet access to get every job done.
You can try asking the existing tenants or the landlord regarding the Internet network’s speed and stability in that place. Make sure the network is smooth enough to support your needs throughout the day.
If it turned out that the connection is bad, maybe you should consider another option. Internet access is like the second “life” when you work remotely.
Quiet and comfortable environment

What’s no less important than internet access if not a quiet and comfortable atmosphere? A facilitative environment surely will help us concentrate on doing tasks.
If the room environment is filled with the noise of vehicles, construction worker activities, or the hustle and bustle of a crowd of people, such an atmosphere will be very disturbing when working.
Choose a place that is located some distance from the main road and residential areas, but still has easy access to the city center.
Near public facilities

Location is also an essential criterion that you need to consider if you work remotely. Are there any important facilities around the building, such as a place to eat, minimarkets, ATM centers, electronics counters, and a sports center?
If there are various complete facilities around the place, we will have less worry during work because all our needs can be reached easily.
Affordable renting price

Before making a decision, you should take the time to do a survey of several traditional kost. Compare the rental fees and the facilities and services offered from all of the options available.
If you have a tight budget, choose the most affordable ones. Because there are still other expenses that must be allocated for other important needs.
Also, make sure the payment system and the bill deadline provisions are not burdensome. Some traditional kosts are known to implement policies that are quite troublesome regarding initial and the due payment.
Security System

CCTV, fence locks, and security are some important criteria that cannot be ignored when choosing a place to live for workers. In addition to ensuring the environment is safe from crime, supporting facilities are still needed to anticipate unfavorable possibilities.
Important items for work such as laptops and cellphones that you keep in your room must be safely protected. However, you don’t need to worry. Most traditional kosts are now equipped with basic security facilities.
So, those are some tips for choosing a suitable place to work from home! If you need a residential recommendation that is much more comfortable and efficient for daily work, you should consider a coliving space. Want to know more info? Check here!